The Son more radiant that the Sun!


When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. But he laid his right hand on me, saying, “Fear not, I am the first and the last, and the living one. I died, and behold I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of Death and Hades. – Revelation 1:17-18 ESV

John was given a great vision of God and saw this exalted view of Christ our Lord, who when he spoke he described “as the roar of many waters”, whose hair was white as snow and whose eyes were like flames of fire and from whose mouth protruded a double edged sword (illustrative of the Word of God) and whose face shinning like the sun in it’s full strength!
If you can imagine, this was John, the one described as closest to Jesus in his ministry yet when John sees our glorified Lord, just like Isaiah when he sees God glorified in his vision falls on his face in total fear before him… Jesus here is pictured as the “Ancient of Days”, the one who stands in judgment over all the cosmos…whose voice was like the roar of a mighty waterfall. (I have stood next to the deafening roar of falling water torrents before.)
Can you imagine? If you can, then even now you would fall on your face in total humility before God. He is infinitely awesome and powerful. Let us not forget this. In our diminished view of God in our lives we can at times forget how Great is our God.
Yet here is the beautiful thing. When we do humble ourselves before him today by faith, on that great and glorious day when all mankind will be on our faces in his full radiant glory, those who he knows and has called by name, those who today surrender their hearts and lives to Jesus; they like John here and like Isaiah in his vision experience will feel the hand of Almighty God reach down and touch them and through the thundering yet tender voice of Christ hear these loving and tender words…

“Fear Not..I Am…”

My question for you is this… Are you…?

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