Turning point

I snagged the Quora app for my phone because of the interesting topics and blogs set up as a Q&A model of blogging site. It is simple way to interact with people with less overkill media like on most social sites.  I posted my first response there to this question below. It reminded me of my old WordPress site that has been laying dormant for so long, that I figured I might as well wake it back up and get back to blogging here on occasion.  The reason I left was to utilize the Squarespace blog on our AFM website, but never found it as useful since there is much more connectivity here and on sites like Quora. So needless to say, I’m back!

What was the turning point of your life that changed you completely?

alaska 104

Here is my response to the question above on my first Turning Point:

I have two turning points. My first starting when I was about 8 or 9 years old.

I was a typical American boy back in the early 70’s living in what I considered a typical American family. My mom divorced and remarried to an air-force pilot who adopted me and my sister, and living in military base housing at various places where my Dad was stationed. My Dad just passed away last month at 89 years of living. remembering my dad

I grew up mostly in coastal Atlantic beach areas so we spent much time playing and living among the ocean surfs. I wasn’t much different than anyone else..very typical boy in most ways. But like all boys and girls, ultimately all my life and focus was about me…and me having fun doing what I wanted. I wouldn’t say I was a particular bad boy. My parents loved me and I obeyed them for the most part (mostly out of fear of my dad’s belt across my butt ) But I did do bad things as a boy and did have a sense of my own depravity. Oh nothing earth shattering bad; stuff like sneaking around in disobedience to my parents trying out cigarettes…playing with fire in our kids club house we made of tall grass along the overgrown railroad tracks and catching the whole place on fire; sneaking through the woods with my playmates up the hill to peek at the naked people in the “adult” drive in movie theater..and just general kid mischief, and using naughty words that little boys typically do when they don’t have direct adult supervision. I was a sinner and I knew it. But compared to others, I was pretty typical so it seemed.

My family was a typical southern family that lived a what I sensed was a typical American life. Nothing spectacular, just normal 2 parent 2 child family. We’d go to church chapel every so often as my dad was raised a typical East Texas Methodist, and my Mom raised up attending Church as a girl from Gulfport Mississippi. Neither of them were particularly religious. They lived their lives as they saw fit, drinking and smoking and trying to do the best they knew how living the American dream. My dad also was a decorated war hero from Vietnam war where he flew into life-risking landings to save many marines from death or capture. But he was just my Dad to me. Even so I had a deep seated sense of darkness in my life where I felt I had no real purpose or meaning to my existence. Living along the beaches I used to let sand sift through my fingers thinking my own life was like just one grain of that sand among the many billions of trillions of grains of sand. During those years I had many nightmares of the ocean surf pulling and tugging on my legs and body trying to suck me out to sea. I often woke up at night terrified as my dreams went from playing on sand bars by the surf to crashing waves all around with my sandbar being engulfed with no way to escape. These were vivid enough for me to remember now at 56 years old!

I didn’t know at that point if others had those types of dreams or thoughts, so in many ways I felt alone in them and totally lost. These things began when I was like 8 or 9 and lasted until I was like 11 years old.

Looking back now, I see it all as the grace of God waking up my dead soul. Oh yes, I firmly believe like most humanity that we have eternity within us. The wise king Solomon of the ancient Jews once wrote as recorded in the Bible, “Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.” (Ecclesiastes 3:11)  There is something God seems to have put into all humans, unique among creation, that cries out we were designed for much more than what most of us experience or know in this life. We have been created with eternal spirits within us, we call this the soul, that is the essence of who we are. Something more lasting than these physical bodies alone can demonstrate. Thus the rise of millions of religions and people seeking spiritual significance.

I was no theologian back then, and had nearly zero training in any details of God’s truth, but somehow I knew He existed but I just didn’t know Him. My soul was somehow dark and disconnected from God because it was broken in ways I didn’t understand. Later on I learned it was what Jesus described as dead, separated from the life-giving Spirit of God that it was created to be infused with. Without knowing God, I searched for meaning and purpose vainly in my own ways, seeking self gratification and trying out what others thought was right, but nothing worked. My dreams continued; my sin and guilt for all the ways I dishonored and disobeyed my parents grew before my own eyes. Even though from the outside compared to others I was pretty typical kid, yet my awareness of my own depravity grew inside of me.

Indeed this was God at work in me, even though I did not know at the time. You see the sick need to know they are sick before they seek the cure. Many die for lack of seeking. God was helping me see the sickness of life without Him. God had chosen me and was doing something in me to awaken my dead spirit by bringing me to awareness of my need for Him and inability to fix my own darkness. Over the next couple years this struggle with self continued on. Then my father was transferred to Charleston, South Carolina AFB and we lived there for about 2 years. During this time my mother started attending the base chapel on Sundays and a Baptist preacher there spoke of God in truth and clearly as the Bible speaks. The pure good news of the Gospel messages rang true to my mother’s heart and soul and she dedicated her soul and life to follow Jesus. She was a new woman, and new mother, a joyful transformation that was so evident to all around her. She became the light of God to help illuminate the darkness of my own soul. She then began daily leading my sister, Cindy and I, in morning Bible studies and devotionals. Finally for the first time at age 11, I was hearing and seeing the truths of Jesus Christ speaking into my mind and heart like never before and it was quenching my thirst for God like nothing else, light was coming in and helping me make more sense of my depravity and my need for the Savior to redeem me and give me new life.

I soon realized I needed Christ and I wanted Jesus! I wanted that what my Mom found. I wanted hope! So I told my mom I was going to walk down that aisle at chapel and tell the preacher I wanted to be like her and to follow Jesus too! And I did that the next Sunday! That was 1974, and my life has never been the same! ♥️

God came in, washed away all my filth and flooded my soul with his goodness and light! It was all Jesus, the Living God filling me by His wonderful Spirit. The Bible calls it being born -again; born into God’s family by the sin debt payment of Jesus spilling his pure blood on the cross to buy my pardon. Jesus promised in his Word that he would separate my sins from me as far as the east was from the west, if only I would trust, put my faith, in Him, and when I did, I truly was set free! It was amazing!

Finally my dead soul had life and meaning and purpose and most of all, LOVE from the Father of heavenly lights.

While I still struggled with my old sinful self-loving nature, and I have messed up often since then, God in his atoning sacrifice came to make me pure before him in Christ and made his dwelling also with me to help guide me, encourage me, grow me, and make me more into His character and less into my old self. I am forever His, never the same by His mercy and generous undeserved favor!

I still have a long way to go, and perfection won’t be happening this side of Jesus coming again and the Resurrection of the dead. “But I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that he is able to guard until that day what has been entrusted to me.” (2 Timothy 1:12)

How do I know you might ask? Because God has called me his son and put his Spirit within me that cries out “Daddy, Father!”. His Spirit testifies to my spirit this is true. (Romans 8:15–16)

The Bible makes this clear.

“Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, ‘Abba, Father.'” -Galatians 4:6

That was my first major turning point in my life. Next message I’ll tell the story about the equally important second one. For anyone who may want to hear, let them hear. May God bless you with hearing Him through me.


God protects his own

“Simon, Simon, look out! Satan has asked to sift you like wheat. But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And you, when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”
Luke 22:31‭-‬32 HCSB

I find this interaction between Christ and the disciples fascinating and very comforting because of the truth that is being revealed here. Holy Spirit is speaking and I pray we are listening.

Upon further study, due to dual use of the English word ‘you’, in most English translations, it seems as though Jesus is only talking to Peter, but he is speaking to all the disciples. Although Jesus begins by calling out Simon Peter to listen up, when he says “Satan has asked to sift you like wheat”, the Greek word for ‘you’ here is plural!  It’s more like our ‘you all’ we use when we want to be clear we’re referring to everyone. This is why the NET Bible translates it more clearly saying this in vs 31, “Simon, Simon, pay attention! Satan has demanded to have you all, to sift you like wheat “.
Then in the next verse he is redirecting his words back to Peter again, because the next ‘you’ is singular! This would be hard to detect in most more literal translations without Greek study notes. But some more dynamic translations help by adding the clarifying words…as you can see above. Also we can deduct Jesus is redirecting to Simon Peter with the second you because we read the following context of Peter denying Christ. But the NET makes the true Greek stand out better saying vs 32 like this  in saying Simon’s name,” but I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. When you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” These are the reasons it’s good to read multiple Bible Translations if you are able…and in the English language we are truly blessed with many!


Now why is this important? Well because a major truth is being made known here; an important reassuring one at that! Jesus is saying that the devil has to get permission for what he does against us. If Satan had his way, he would totally destroy and torment every Christian alive! But Jesus said Satan came to God seeking permission to put all the disciples through serious tribulation and temptation; to “sift them like wheat! ” Jesus then reassured Simon that he interceded for him and he would come back from his failed testing. Implying that he gave Satan permission to go after Simon Peter only for reasons God determined. That in itself is faith building. But this is even more blessed…Jesus is telling us that Satan has no power to act, except that which God allows him to do! (Luke 10:17)

If you face trials and temptations from the devil, God not only knows, but He has allowed it!  And for his good purposes in our lives!

While some may be upset at this statement of truth that God is allowing our sufferings to happen; those who haven’t really “tasted and seen that God is good”,  I for one, as many of you, have come to see the way our God is our Savior! He makes beauty from ashes; He humbles us, helps us to die, breaks us down, in order to raise us up in glory, and give us new Life to make us beautiful in His time.  His perfected members of his Bride, the Church!!

Psalm 84:11 declares, “For the LORD God is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory. The LORD will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right.”

I believe this!  I know this in my own life! God is our sun, meaning our source of provision for all our need, and He is our shield, meaning our defender, our protector!  And nothing is withheld from us that is good and right!  Now this is usually only thought of in the most pleasant of ways, but in reality for a child to grow and mature, we parents have to enact testing and trials as a means of discipline to help our little ones develop and not be spoiled and of little use. So when God allows Satan to hurt you and test you, which clearly is only done under God’s permissions, then this too is a GOOD thing! His careful limits, watchful eyes and heart of love for us helps us grow into the people he requires us to be. It is not evil or bad. No nothing that comes into the life of a Believer is ultimately bad, no matter how painful or terrible it may seem at the time. God’s Word says “Endure suffering as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father?” -Heb 12:7
Yes I take great comfort in this powerful truth, that Satan and his demon hordes cannot touch me, except for that which is filtered through the hands of my loving Father who wants to make me perfected for his Son; to be like him… and will never abandon me nor forsake me! (Heb 13:5)
God really is in control…
And He is for me, not against me! (Rom 8:31)
This is exactly where I always want to be! What about you?  Do you know the perfect Father God? (Ps 18:30)

These life tests will prove whom are His…  Or not. Those that fall away, sadly are proven to not have ever “known” the heart of God as lover of their soul, may it not be so about you. Do you ‘know’ Jesus. If you do, the Spirit will cry out in you to Father God, “Abba, Father” ! (Rom 8:15)

May the peace of Christ fill you as you meditate on this life-changing truth.

Intelligence does not preclude blindness.

Science is simply the study of the observable creation. The problem with evolutionary scientists is that they have stepped off into a quagmire of illogical delusion in trying to make assumptions about life’s origins and purpose, exempting from their possibility truth; the biblical God who they cannot see or measure, into creating for themselves a substitute evolutionary ‘creator’ that has absolutely no evidence for existence, has no mind nor intelligence, who has no cause, who has no beginning origin itself, nor has any purpose for evolving things into this dying and decaying Universe that had a finite and definite beginning a relatively short time back, and will one day grow cold and cease to exist as we know it and can readily observe.

Now this is what is most insane about it all: The very Creator God they deny, because they cannot “touch, see or measure” with their carnal minds and so refuse to acknowledge, has been replaced with a fantasy god called “Random Chance” (RC) that created all the intelligence and beauty we see, plus the laws of physics, laws of math, stability on planet earth for the very existence and sustenance of life in a very inhospitable life-destroying universe, and this non-thinking, non living RC god, somehow coded all life with intelligent blueprint we call the alphabet of DNA, and yet, THIS god also cannot be seen or measured or touched!!
Now how insane is that?

The infinite and intelligent Creator God, “I Am” was rejected for a delusion; for a lie that by all mature thinking is a ridiculous childish fantasy or wishful thinking. Truly the Idol god of modernity.. Satan is still in the deceiving and blinding business. Idolatry is alive and well… especially in academia, where some of the worlds most “intelligent” people reside. Intelligence does not preclude blindness.

How prophetic and applicable is this passage in the Bible we read in relation to the RC idol god…this passage is not only about the delusion of the homosexual agenda lie, but delusion of mankind in all ways that oppose Yahweh God.

“They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen…They are… God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful…they have no understanding…Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.” (Excerpts from Romans 1:24-32)

There was a time early in my life when I used to laugh and be amazed that people “once upon a time” actually carved idol gods out of wood and worshiped them. Not any more. Today my heart does not laugh, but cries. For this is all too real today. Today we do not use wood, but theory and stories and imagination to ‘carve out’ our gods. I will conclude this on this sad note that God spoke some 2900 years ago that is all too real in the modern world. People never really change.

( From Isaiah 44)

6“This is what the Lord says—

Israel’s King and Redeemer, the Lord Almighty:

I am the first and I am the last;

apart from me there is no God.

7Who then is like me? Let him proclaim it.

Let him declare and lay out before me

what has happened since I established my ancient people,

and what is yet to come—

yes, let them foretell what will come.

8Do not tremble, do not be afraid.

Did I not proclaim this and foretell it long ago?

You are my witnesses. Is there any God besides me?

No, there is no other Rock; I know not one.”

9All who make idols are nothing,

and the things they treasure are worthless.

Those who would speak up for them are blind;

they are ignorant, to their own shame.

10Who shapes a god and casts an idol,

which can profit nothing?

11People who do that will be put to shame;

such craftsmen are only human beings.

Let them all come together and take their stand;

they will be brought down to terror and shame.

12The blacksmith takes a tool

and works with it in the coals;

he shapes an idol with hammers,

he forges it with the might of his arm.

He gets hungry and loses his strength;

he drinks no water and grows faint.

13The carpenter measures with a line

and makes an outline with a marker;

he roughs it out with chisels

and marks it with compasses.

He shapes it in human form,

human form in all its glory,

that it may dwell in a shrine.

14He cut down cedars,

or perhaps took a cypress or oak.

He let it grow among the trees of the forest,

or planted a pine, and the rain made it grow.

15It is used as fuel for burning;

some of it he takes and warms himself,

he kindles a fire and bakes bread.

But he also fashions a god and worships it;

he makes an idol and bows down to it.

16Half of the wood he burns in the fire;

over it he prepares his meal,

he roasts his meat and eats his fill.

He also warms himself and says,

“Ah! I am warm; I see the fire.”

17From the rest he makes a god, his idol;

he bows down to it and worships.

He prays to it and says,

“Save me! You are my god!”

18They know nothing, they understand nothing;

their eyes are plastered over so they cannot see,

and their minds closed so they cannot understand.

19No one stops to think,

no one has the knowledge or understanding to say,

“Half of it I used for fuel;

I even baked bread over its coals,

I roasted meat and I ate.

Shall I make a detestable thing from what is left?

Shall I bow down to a block of wood?”

20Such a person feeds on ashes; a deluded heart misleads him;

he cannot save himself, or say,

“Is not this thing in my right hand a lie?”

Vain worship of God?

Greek transliteration “thrēskos”- fear or Worship of God, “religious”

If someone thinks he is religious yet does not bridle his tongue, and so deceives his heart, his religion is futile. – James 1:26

Oftentimes we see James 1:27 quoted, since it tells us what pure religion or rather the worship of God looks like. Naming the loving and caring for the needy and helpless, as in the widows and orphans who tend to be the most overlooked among us. But rarely do we pause to listen to what God is telling us in verse 26 that leads up to the truths of verse 27. 
Today in western society we have a distaste for the word “religion” or “religious” because we have seen many hypocritical abuses in religious traditions. In reality religion and religious are not bad words, they just seem to come with a lot of baggage and so many wrong ideas come to mind when using them. This word for religious used here by James is the only instance of this Greek word thrēskos in the Bible, which is typically translated as religious in most translations.  But a quick look up of the word in Strong’s Greek  concordance (G2357) says it means literally the fear of or worship of God.
So a better way to translate this passage that would not carry the mental blockage it does to many people would be like this:
If someone thinks he fears and worships God yet does not bridle his tongue, he deceives his heart and his worship is in vain.
(And on to vs 27)
Pure and undefiled worship before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their misfortune and to keep oneself unpolluted by the world. (James 1:26-27)

So if you call yourself a Christian and do not control your tongue, (Which could mean; using crass or course speech, vulgar or foul words or joking; saying things intentionally hurtfull or mean without a loving or constructive purpose; saying things to tear people down rather than leading them to life; gossip; saying things out of place; speaking too much and listening too little, etc..)the Bible says here that your worship of God is useless, in vain, pointless.

God has always been one who doesn’t just look to your uncommitted emotional and trivial appeals from your heart, but who weighs your heart by how you act on it. Faith is not a momentary feeling, but action on truths trusted as from God. By faith we are saved, but by actions we prove our faith. How do you live out what you say you believe? Is it a selfish faith or a surrendering, dying to self to serve God and others faith?
  1Sam 15:22 says this;
“Does the Lord take pleasure in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as he does in obedience? Certainly, obedience is better than sacrifice; paying attention is better than the fat of rams.” God never changes. He still requires obedience of us. He saves us so that we can obey.

Today many of us fool ourselves into thinking we are following Christ and worshiping him, because we have emotional moments in Church when we sing praise and worship. I tell you pagens do likewise in their idolic worship of their loved music stars. They are more moved in their emotional adorations to their favorite music artists and the entertainment minded worshipers of football, baseball, basketball or soccer are more passionate about their team playing a game than most Christians in worship of their God. What makes a true religious person, a true worshiper of God, as in this context of Biblical truth?


Someone who doesn’t just say they follow Jesus,  but puts feet to their faith and gives sacrificially to others.  That is love, the kind of love the true Spirit of God puts in a child of God.
If in introspection you think maybe your worship of God may be a bit vain and meaningless, which I think all of us fall into at some level (we all are works in progress ), then do as God leads us in the Psalms. Seek cleaning from God, and ask him to help show you the right paths to make more worshipful steps in your life, repenting where needed, and giving more to Christ and others. Don’t trust your own heart but trust it to God and live for him.
Search me O God, and know my heart, test me and know my thoughts. See if there be any grievous way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.  (Ps 139:23-24)
Make this your daily heart cry to Christ. Then watch God make your way pure. Worship is what you do with your life, not just a song you sing on Sunday.